Friday, March 28, 2025

Dedication of the Loren Eiseley Historical Marker

In-Person / Online Event: Dedication of the Loren Eiseley Historical Marker

Date: Friday, April 11, 2025

Time: 1:30pm to 2:30pm CDT

In-Person Location: Irvingdale Park, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Online Location: Zoom

Information: Click to check the LES Facebook Group for posted information

The Loren Eiseley Society is pleased to announce the unveiling of a new Nebraska Historical Marker commemorating Loren Eiseley. Our dedication event is scheduled for Friday, April 11, 2025 in Lincoln, Nebraska's Irvingdale Park from 1:30pm to 2:30pm CDT.

Distinguished guests include Lincoln Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird and Loren Eiseley Society President Bing Chen.

We are grateful for the support of the Nebraska Historical Society, Lincoln Parks & Recreation, and the Irvingdale Country Club as well as the Indian Village Neighborhood Associations.

For information on how to find our event or ask questions about it, check the Loren Eiseley Facebook Group or email


To donate in support of this project, please visit:


Monday, December 30, 2024

"The Unexpected Universe - Technology, Science, and Civilization" with Bing Chen, PhD

Online Event: The Unexpected Universe - Technology, Science, and Civilization with Bing Chen, PhD

Date: Saturday, January 11, 2025

Starting Time: 2pm CST (USA)

Location: Online via Zoom

Information: Click to check the LES Facebook Group for posted information

The Loren Eiseley Society would like to invite you to attend a brief public online Zoom presentation on Saturday, January 11th at 2 PM Central Standard Time (USA) on "The Unexpected Universe," the second in a triad of books on Man and Nature by noted naturalist Loren Eiseley who Ray Bradbury considers to be the greatest essayist on Nature of the 20th century. Bing Chen, PhD, LES President, will be utilizing a number of Eiseley quotes to enhance a discussion that he gives to his senior students in Electrical and Computer Engineering at UNL when reviewing humankind's Pleistocene development and arrival upon the great stage of life which Eiseley refers to as the Immense Journey (his first book of the triad). Please plan on attending if you have the opportunity and interest and then feel free to participate in the discussion that follows. All are welcome to join us!

To ask questions about our event, check the Loren Eiseley Facebook Group or email

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

"Loren Eiseley's 117th Birthday Reading" - Free In-Person Event

In-Person Event: Loren Eiseley's Birthday Reading

Date: Saturday, September 7, 2024

Time: 11am to 12 noon CDT

Location: Irvingdale Park, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

Information: Click to check the LES Facebook Group for posted information

This September we are commemorating Loren Eiseley's 117th birthday with a celebration of his life and works.

As a public forum presented by the Loren Eiseley Society, LES will offer a birthday reading and light discussion in-person on Saturday, Sep. 7, at 11am Central Daylight Time. All are welcome to join us!

Feel free to bring a favorite poem or short passage from his writings to share at our in-person event.

For information on how to find our event or ask questions about it, check the Loren Eiseley Facebook Group or email

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

"Loren Eiseley's 115th Birthday Reading" - Free Online Zoom Event

Online Event: Loren Eiseley's Birthday Reading

Date: Saturday, September 3, 2022

Starting Time: 2pm CDT

Zoom Connection Info: Click to check the LES Facebook Group for posted information

This month we are commemorating Loren Eiseley's 115th birthday with a celebration of his life and works.

As a public forum presented by the Loren Eiseley Society, LES will offer a birthday reading and light discussion via Zoom on Saturday, Sep. 3, at 2pm Central Time. All are welcome to join us!

Feel free to bring a favorite poem or short passage from his writings to share at our Zoom event.

Also, we would like you to know that we have a $15,000 challenge grant for The Star Thrower musical dramatization and we will be mentioning this at the birthday reading on how you can contribute.

For information on how to log in, check the Loren Eiseley Facebook Group or email

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

"Loren Eiseley and the Subterranean World" with Susan Maher

Online Event: Loren Eiseley and the Subterranean World with Susan Maher

Date: Saturday, June 25, 2022

Starting Time: 2pm CDT

Zoom Connection Info: Click to check the LES Facebook Group for posted information

The Loren Eiseley Society invites you to attend our next Public Forum via Zoom on Saturday, June 25th at 2 PM CDT.  Our special guest is Susan Maher, PhD and her topic will be  “Loren Eiseley and the Subterranean World.” All are welcome to join us!

For information on how to log in, check the Loren Eiseley Facebook Group or email

Across Loren Eiseley’s oeuvre, revelations about science, humanity, and the natural world often happen in subterranean spaces. Whether exploring deep time or more personal, psychological disturbances, Eiseley is drawn to tunnels, cellars, culverts, and caves. In the dark, he probes connections between past and present, collapsing time and space into lyrical encounters with all manner of life forms, whether fossilized or living. His essays, often journeys in the dark, uncover truths about life, death, and the boundless realms of the human imagination.

Susan Maher co-edited “Artifacts and Illuminations: Critical Essays on Loren Eiseley” with Tom Lynch. Her book “Deep Map Country” also includes a chapter on Eiseley. She has published widely on Great Plains writers, including Willa Cather, Wallace Stegner, and John Janovy, Jr. Her current book project is “Authoring Landscapes: Literary Pilgrimage in the Interior of North America.” She is Professor of English at the University of Minnesota Duluth.

Monday, March 21, 2022

"Animals in Me" with Qianqian Cheng

Online Event: Animals in Me with Qianqian Cheng

Date: Saturday, March 26, 2022

Starting Time: 2pm CDT

Zoom Connection Info: Click to check the LES Facebook Group for posted information

This month we are inviting Qianqian Cheng to present a talk entitled "Animals in Me: The ecological implications in Eiseley’s thoughts".

As a public forum presented by the Loren Eiseley Society, LES will offer a presentation and discussion via Zoom on Saturday, March 26, at 2pm Central Time. All are welcome to join us!

For information on how to log in, check the Loren Eiseley Facebook Group or email

Qianqian's talk offers a concise analysis of how Eiseley fosters readers' ecological consciousness by focusing on the bonds between humans and nonhumans; and the reason why Eiseley needs to be appreciated as a necessary voice in the urgent mission to make individuals realize their responsibility to respond ethically to the living world. 

Qianqian Cheng obtained her PhD in English from the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France. She has taught English at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and Chinese at the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès. She has published articles on animal studies as well as on Loren Eiseley.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

"The Star Thrower" Opera Overview with John Cimino

Online Event: The Star Thrower Opera Overview with John Cimino

Date: Saturday, December 4, 2021

Starting Time: 2pm CST

Zoom Connection Info: Click to check the LES Facebook Group for posted information

This month we are inviting John Cimino of Associated Solo Artists to present an overview of his Star Thrower Opera to the group.

Also see for more information on the opera and how you can support this production tentatively slated for October 2022 in both Omaha, NE as well as Scottsbluff, NE.

As a public forum presented by the Loren Eiseley Society, LES will offer a presentation and discussion via Zoom on Saturday, December 4, at 2pm Central Time. All are welcome to join us!

For information on how to log in, check the Loren Eiseley Facebook Group or email